Digital Forensics

Digital technology plays a ubiquitous role in the daily activities of every business and educated person. Knowing what information is available can give you that all-important edge in litigation and investigations. Kryptos Forensics can examine and synthesize all data found on computers, servers, PDAs, voice mail systems, and other digital storage systems. We find hidden or hard-to-find data, and access data that seems forever lost due to hardware or software malfunction. Most importantly, Kryptos Forensics presents computer forensic findings to investigators, judges, juries, and counsel in a scientifically and legally acceptable manner.

Examples of common situations when our expertise is utilized:
Divorce and other matrimonial issues where a spouse needs to uncover e-mail’s, pictures, documents, and other digital data which the other spouse has deleted, altered, or password protected.
Employees’ unlawful or inappropriate use of company computers, laptops, and PDAs, including e-mail’s and web site history
Theft of corporate data including proprietary information;
Digital records (i.e. e-mails) of illegal or prohibited activities;
Sexual harassment via e-mail, instant messaging and other forms of electronic communication.
Employment discrimination captured in tell-tale, intra-office, e-mails or memos.
Password recovery
Extraction and analysis of data from PDA's (i.e., Palm, Pocket PC device, Blackberry) and Cell Phones.
Family, children, child custody and marital issues pertaining to computer usage, pornography, internet usage, file downloading, "chat room" history, e-mail history, computer program usage, discovery of hidden and deleted files.


  Digital Forensics | Electronic Discovery | Information Governance | System Security